Keith’s Weekly Final Notes 05/01/2023

Posted by: keithwhitburn - Posted on:

I started on a secondment with the Digital Team on the 8 November 2021 and after 13-months now leave with a new skill set and new friends.

I came into the digital team with considerable trepidation as I grew up in an analogue world. However, I soon immersed myself into the three constituent parts of the digital team – content, delivery, and support. I was fortunate to manage the content and support teams with colleagues in the short-term having to step down. This provided a lovely opportunity to work within these teams and share experiences as to how we could improve and enhance the services we provided.

I was also able to bring my local leadership academy experiences to a national role, which proved very helpful when collaborating with digital colleagues to resurrect the talent management diagnostic toolkit; create a GMTS virtual campus for onboarding; pilot testing a proof of concept leadership site with an external provider and work with two local academies to enable them to migrate their existing websites on to the NHS Nightingale website templates.

To compliment my newly acquired at work digital skills, I also undertook in my own time The Complete Web Developer Course 3.0 through Udemy. I am currently at 75% completion of this course that has helped me migrate from an analogue to a digital world. And this has also provided me with the opportunity to gain experience coding, MS Visual Studio, and a little used language today – MarkDown.

The opportunity in any new role at first leads to trepidation about one’s competence and capability to be useful. However, the benefits of this role for me have given me the confidence to learn from incredibly talented digital people and come away with an array of new skills. That I am sure I will continue to use in my professional and personal life.