
Keith’s Weekly Final Notes 05/01/2023

I started on a secondment with the Digital Team on the 8 November 2021 and after 13-months now leave with a new skill set and new friends. I came into the digital team with considerable trepidation as I grew up in an analogue world. However, I soon immersed myself into […]

Keith’s Weekly Notes 01/12/2022

Two weeks without a weekly note due to sick leave. Content team continue to produce some amazing work, including this week utilising the new film production equipment. Team pairing has also been established to enable peer support across the work streams. Ongoing team discussions regarding the content team, work streams […]

Keith’s Weekly Notes 10/11/2022

A year has elapsed since I joined the digital team on secondment. During this time considerable experience (and fun) has been had, as I have worked within the support and content teams. Writing a WordPress Blog each week has also high-lighted the progress I have made as a weekly discipline […]