Keith’s Weekly Notes 01/09/2022

Posted by: keithwhitburn - Posted on:

The content teams Excel planner is proving to be invaluable in identifying capacity against the project requests. This enabling us as a team to have line of sight across the content team, not only in terms of individual but also team capacity. A benefit is to also allow colleagues to consider how they can be upskilled.

The SDF submission has been accepted and the four fixed term posts will shortly be advertised as 6-month fixed term contracts.

Dynamic Conversations are underway within the content team and the Flexibility & Choice options by the team have been approved.

Discussions with the NW Leadership Academy are ongoing with regards to the migration of their website to the NHS Nightingale templates.

Coaching and Mentoring is playing an important part in my week.

My Udemy Web Developer Programme is still stuck with PHP that I hope to complete over the next week and move on to SQL.