Keith’s Weekly Notes 15/09/2022

Posted by: keithwhitburn - Posted on:

A week’s annual leave last week provided much needed time to recharge after what I had not realised was five months without taking leave. A reflective week with the passing of the Queen and the Accession of the King. It reminded me of the William Bridge’s Transition Model: Endings > Neutral Zone > New Beginnings that Change is situational and Transition is psychological. This very much helped and prepared me for my first week back at work.

The content team continue to progress through our Excel work planner that has over 34 deliverables. This enables the team to identify the client requests and the impact their work is contributing across the wider system.

The NEY and NW Academy’s migration to the NHS Nightingale website template format is progressing.

Our daily huddle enables a sharing of work and topics so we can each contribute and learn as a team.

Dynamic Conversation documentation is being worked through and as a team we have agreed protected learning time each week.

I enjoy the 1-2-1 time I have with the content team as well as coaching and mentoring colleagues from across the wider NHS.

My own personal development is progressing well with the completion of a php module and the commencement of a mysql module. When I got stuck after spending many hours looking as to why my code would not work. My colleague Tom was able to resolve and support me.