Keith’s Weekly Notes 12/05/2022

Posted by: keithwhitburn - Posted on:

Participant’s for phase 2 of testing and evaluating the Meganexus platform now provided with the user guide and instructions.

London Talent Management team now have the login details to review the content for the Diagnostic Toolkit.

Ongoing discussions with NEY & NW colleagues to utilise the NHS Nightingale Templates as we look to harmonise websites.

Providing information, advice and guidance to Support Team colleagues.

Time with delivery and content team colleagues helping my learning and leadership.

Discussions with the patient safety team regarding data sets that can be accessed regarding leadership and lifelong learning.

The Learning Hub now actively being promoted by a number of our regional teams.

Preparation for the NG SLT meeting in Leeds.

My Web Developer course not at the Bootstrap 4 module and makes HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery a lot easier to understand.