Keith’s Weekly Notes 30/05/2022 to 09/06/2022

Posted by: keithwhitburn - Posted on:

The discipline of maintaining a digital journal has become incredibly valuable as my secondment progresses. The new skills, knowledge and collaborative working at regional and national levels has helped with my development and leadership.

The introduction of a daily Power Hour has enabled the Support Team to share challenges that come about through the Helpscout system. And collectively and collaboratively identify how processes can be enhanced for service improvement with stakeholders.

New Go To telephony licences have been ordered to enhance the service provided by the Support Team. Go To will provide a full training package and work with the Support Team to utilise the functionality of the telephony system.

NW and NEY regions are progressing at pace with the Digital Team with the migration to the NHS Nightingale website templates.

The planned three phases of testing and evaluating the Meganexus proof of concept platform is underway.

I am continuing to coach and mentor colleagues who work in the NHS and Social care.

Early starts and late finishes have reduced the energy and capacity I have had to progress with my Udemy Web Developer Course. However, the now six week break has given me the focus and determination to reflect that this is the career pathway I wish to follow. Bootstrap 4 will be recommenced this weekend.