Keith’s Weekly Notes 26/05/2022

Posted by: keithwhitburn - Posted on:

The digital support team has now curated – our support team – document that contains the processes and procedure’s we all need to follow. This will enable better collaboration with our internal and external stakeholders.

The NHS Nightingale website template format is being progressed with the NW & NEY regions, to enable harmonisation of the look and feel of our websites as a first point of contact with our customers.

Engagement with talent management colleagues to test and evaluate the platform co-created with our Meganexus partner. The digital delivery team has equally now stood up the Diagnostic Talent Management Toolkit – created in 2018 – for the London region TM team to review the content as subject matter experts. The intention moving forwards is to identify how this toolkit can then best be made fit for purpose in 2022.

Inspiring NG SLT session on patient carer staff stories in action. As well as time this week on providing the slides following the meeting in Leeds on the 18 May.

Tech has been a help and hinderance this week. It is amazing how dependant we all become on t’internet. Yet when an ISP has an outage the capacity to work is significantly reduced, as one turns to tethering a mobile phone to a laptop to enable one’s work to continue.

A lesson of learning for me this week is that with the volume and complexity of work, my own Web Developer Course through Udemy has not happened for the last three weeks. My aim this weekend is to – Cross the Start Line – and recommence Boot Strap 4 that I was slowly coming to terms with.

Networking and collaborating now a key part of my daily work life and enjoying imparting to others as well as always learning something new.