Keith’s Weekly Notes 29/09/2022

Posted by: keithwhitburn - Posted on:

There was an air of normal service returning this week. The content team met up in London’s to attend Health Education Through Technology at ExCel. This not only presented an opportunity for the team to meet up, after close to 2-years of only seeing each other on MS Teams. There was also an important side to identify the propositions being presented by a cadre of organisations from the public, private and not for profit sectors in technological developments. One of my key pieces of learning was the agility, pace and nimbleness organisations had in place to curate innovative, creative and critically thought through products, services and offers. The reflections for me was how can the NHS and Social care embrace these offers to enhance and improve services for patients and staff.

Coaching and Mentoring of colleagues across the NHS is also continuing with the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity prevalent in work and personal life’s.

My web developer course has been slow this week due to being in London and with the travel, but the use and application of sql and php continues to fascinate me.