You have questions. Your users have answers. Why not use your website to collect all that juicy data and turn it into something actionable and usable? Our sites are deployed with a plugin (whenever you see us refer to plugin, read “feature”) called Gravity Forms. This allows you to set up simple forms for your users to complete, and we can quite funky things with the results – ranging from as simple as email the contents to a specified address all the way to adding that data into bigger datasets, producing reports, extracting anonymised results and detailed systems with workflows and processes attached.
So this breaks down into two types of forms – simple and complex. A simple form might be a Contact Form on your site, where users just add in their name, email address and a question or comment for you. A complex form might be something like an application for one of our programmes where we then need to modify and process that data and possibly have multiple touch points with the user with additional forms at a later point.
For simple forms, you can set these up yourself. There is a great set of video tutorials available at on YouTube, but for this kind of form it probably makes sense just to watch this single video – its 11 minutes long and gives you all the information you need to set up a simple form, as well as giving you an insight into how the system works.
For more complex forms, you probably want to drop us a line so we can discuss the full scope of what you are trying to achieve and we can set up a programme of work to get this in place for you.